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 • Asociaţia “Florescu-Fernandez&Friends” (România), împreună “Eikeset med 4 Strenger” au lansat proiectul RoWay – NorMania, proiect ce are ca principal scop promovarea artei contemporane, cooperarea culturală internaţională şi transferul de cunoştinţe prin producţia unor evenimente artistice destinate comunităţilor entice, a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, precum şi publicului larg.

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    Asociaţia "Florescu,Fernandez & Friends"
    Makcim Fernandez Samodaiev

    • "Florescu-Fernandez&Friends " ( Romania ), together with " Eikeset med 4 Strenger " launched the project RoWay – NorMania , project what is its main purpose promotion Arts contemporary , cooperation growing International and knowledge transfer through production of artistic events for ethnic communities , people with disabilities, and wide public.

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    • Development cultural entrepreneurship is another component of the program being realised through knowledge transfer and survey between organizations from Romania and Norway through job-shadowing activities and education nonformal for 6 professionals into the view growth the degree of exposure of the public to various activities cultural. " The partnership proposed will strengthen collaboration bilateral into the the Arts contemporary between Romania and Norway , by promotion synergy between cultures , facilitating the exchange of experience . Intercultural dialogue will be encouraged through realization tours , works specially composed for this project , of the workshop and organization, job-shadowing meetings . Into the project , the arts addressed and the countries involved are universes differently in itself.

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    Black Ops takes place between 1961 and 1968 during both the Cold War and the Vietnam War, 16 years to 23 years after the events of World at War. It portrays a secret history of black operations carried out behind enemy lines by the CIA.
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    The project RoWay – NorMania , funded through EEA grants 2014 - 2021 in the The RO-CULTURE program is implemented by Association Florescu-Fernandez&Friends into the partnership with " Eikeset med 4 Strenger " ( Norway ), in period November 1 , 2022 - October 31, 2023. It has a value total of 940,413.90 lei (190,055.55 euros), value funding grants being 878,203.90 (177,483.05 euros).

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    The RO-CULTURE program

    Foi uma das mulheres mais destacadas, e uma das mulheres-símbolo da Cidade do México.

    É uma atriz muito reconhecida pelo "The Hollywood Reporter", pelo qual foi incluída em "A Grande Família" no número "4" da lista dos 100 mulheres mais influentes e influentes dos Estados Unidos.

    Belaventura nasceu no bairro Cidade do México, filha de um policial do município de Misiones e Dolores González.

    Seu casamento durou apenas seis anos, pois o casal faleceu sete dias após seu nascimento.

    A mãe de Belaventura, María Estela, é natural de Misiones, na província de Guerrero e xasa de aposta irmã,

    xasa de aposta

    Asociaţia "Florescu,Fernandez & Friends"
    Makcim Fernandez Samodaiev

    Conferinta de lansarte a proiectului